Wednesday, October 2, 2024

 Apple Rose Butter

© Anne Calzada Herbalist

Apples are the classic fruit. Traditional in most people's lives and in most people's cultures.  Apple trees grow easily in most places. We all know the biblical story of Adam and Eve and the snake. We have all heard "an apple a day keeps the doctor away". What is it about them that is so romantic and timeless? There are so many kinds of Malus species (Apples) out there and they all have healing benefits. Apples are both food and medicine. 

Edible medicine. 

Apple trees are a member of the Rosaceae family. The rose family. Apples are cooling, anti-inflammatory, alterative, diuretic.

Apples cleanse the liver, the gall bladder, the kidney and the colon. They are high in pectin which is a form of digestive fiber. They cleanse the intestinal tract and colon. This also helps to remove cholesterol from the arteries and strengthens the cardiovascular system. Apples are gentle and help to balance diarrhea or constipation. Apples are known to lubricate the lungs and help to remove stagnation in the chest. Apples are known to balance blood sugar and combat hypoglycemia due to the natural glucose and fiber that they contain. Apples strengthen the hair, skin and nails. They are a fruit for beauty for they ate rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Apple cider vinegar is made from apples and is one of the worlds natural health tonics.

Apples are magical and are used as such. If you cut one in half, you can see the little pentacle which is a five-pointed star which represents, spirit, earth, air, fire and water. Apples are known to increase vitality and fertility. It is said that Unicorns love apples and that it is one of their favorite trees. If you see an Apple tree, you may also see a Unicorn underneath of it, sleeping or just munching on apples all day. 

Apple Rose Butter Recipe

Peel any kind of apples. You can also leave the skins on as well. This is preference. Use as many apples as you like. I used 12 apples. I covered them with brown sugar. You can sprinkle in clove and cinnamon powder or your preferred spices. You can add orange slices, lemons, fruit juice instead of sugar, cinnamon sticks, vanilla bean pods or in my case, rose petals!!! Use your imagination and what you have around you. Infuse your apples in a crockpot for 10 to 12 hours. When you are ready, blend them. Now you have an amazingly vibrantly, healthy, immune stimulating fruit spread!

Blessings To My Readers

Love, Anne 

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