Saturday, August 29, 2015

Etheric Cleansing
There are times when we need to cleanse and release energetic vibrations which no longer serve us or perhaps do not even originate from you. This can be seen as people, places, things, thought forms and attachments. You can feel or sense negative vibrations either consciously or unconsciously. We all want to feel healthy, happy and Holy. We are all the same.
What are some actions that you can take to manifest positive vibrations?
Number one in my opinion is to take a deep breath. Oxygen is cleansing and the breath is the life force. We often times neglect our breath and remain shallow breathers. It is a cosmic force that beats through your body and cleanses psychically and physically. Breath sustains life. It helps to take a moment to center, ground and take a deep cleansing breath. So go outside and and take off the shoes and ground down to the Earth. Nature always transforms the negative! All exercise clears stagnation and psychic congestion. Reiki, laying on of the hands, massage, there are many ways to balance energy. You can balance your own with your own mind.
I pray. I believe in God, the highest form of Love and cosmic consciousness. Prayer is instantaneous. Thanksgiving and intention daily. I have power, but my power comes from God. I am not in control. I did not create this universe! I am part of the universe. Pray how you are drawn to. Many people have different beliefs, what are yours? Always remember to never do harm to other living beings. Be compassionate, but don't hold onto to the negative, allow it to detach. Bless yourself and your loved ones everyday. Now that is an insurance policy! Being conscious of your thoughts. This is where the seeds of the garden are planted. Are they negative and destructive or are they positive and life affirming? The mind is the most powerful tool that we have. Meditation and affirmation help me to center and reset. Your thoughts are your own, be mindful of where you put your attention. What you think about, you give power to.
Words. Words heal or destroy. They encourage and inspire or they discourage and downpress. Never speak ill of yourself or others.  When you do, your megahertz lowers immediately. Some of you may feel it even physically. We are human beings and sometimes we get angry, sad, depressed etc, but if you send the person, place or thing Love, the energy will transmute for you much quicker. We cannot control the energy of another, we can only caretaker our own. We cannot control the actions or the reactions of others. Nothing makes people feel better and raises self esteem like praise. Spread some out to others! Let your words heal. Say a prayer out loud! This is the whole purpose of mantra. To transform energy through clearing the mind out with the spoken word. Mantra is also a way of praises to God from whom all Blessings flow.
Water and nutrients. Water carries an electrical charge and we are electro magnetic beings. Drink more water now. Consuming plant nutrients will cleanse and uplift. Plants help the bloodstream to become more alkaline, less acidic and in turn less exposed to lower vibes. They are loaded in chlorophyll, minerals, vitamins and other compounds, Herbal infusions are great for balancing energy!
Wearing crystals and gemstones balance and protect your energy field. Which stones are you attracted to? Black tourmaline, onyx and hematite provide reflection of negative energy, thus protection. Feathers help to cut energetic cords and reinvigorate the aura. Their freedom of flight cuts, releases and carries the energies to God. 

Burning herbs or smudging is an effective cleanse. Plants like Rose, Sage, Rosemary, Lavender. Mugwort, Sweetgrass, Copal, Palo Santo, Eucalyptus, Peppermint...there are may plants used ceremoniously! Who are your plant allies? This has an instantaneous effect on the energy of a room. Using sea salt in the corners of the home or cast around the home. Sometimes oils are blended and consecrated for this purpose. Spritzers and sprays with essential oils cleanse instantaneously as well. Healing hot springs, lakes or rivers are full of vitality and cleansing energy. Taking a bath will clear stagnation and etheric congestion.
 Here is a classic recipe for clearing the auric field and the physical body of radiation and toxicity. 

Detox Bath Soak 
1 part Sea Salt
1 part Baking Soda 
Add 1/4 cup or more to the bath. Add essential oils, crystals or herbs if you wish!
These are just a few Sacred practices to put into action. I hope that these tools will help infuse more Love into the world and encourage you to stand up for yourself and others. Remember... Love and service will raise your vibration, attraction and abundance bringing you health, happiness and holiness.  

Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu 

Anne xo 

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