Sunday, October 4, 2015

Call Of Autumn
   Changing of the seasons asks for changes in habits and routines.  Look at Nature and you will see the patterns and the cyclic routines of survival, death, growth and rebirth. This means slowing down.  Preparing for Winter and the colder temperatures. Supporting immunity becomes more of a central theme. More hydration. Dry skin brushing and moisturizing. More teas, soups, stews, root veggies. More sleep, because it increases immunity and reduces psychic and subliminal congestion. Always moving and stretching the body everyday. More Sun and deep conscious breathing! Cleaning the inside and the outside. Stoking the internal fire of will, manipura. Thanksgiving daily. Autumn is restoration time as the energy reflects in your soul like a beautiful Aspen morning...

Immunity Infusion 
1 part Astragalus
1 part Burdock 
1/2 part Rosehips
1 little pinch of Cinnamon 
Add a handful of this blend into a quart jar and infuse with boiling water overnight to use the next day. Will help to build red and white blood cells. Will also help you to center. 
Tea is always centering.

Ground Essential Oil Blend
1 part Lavender
1 part Vetiver 
Blend together and use where you are guided such as the feet, wrists, temples, navel etc... Use your intuition for you will know! For adding a calming meditative vibration that is also antiseptic and antimicrobial.

Home Tea
Infuse herbs into an old pan or a crockpot to release volatile oils and healing vibrations into the home. You can even make it a huge pot of tea to drink out of all day! You could also not drink this brew and add essential oils to it! Just fill the pan with the herbs, add water and allow to simmer! 
Plants like oranges, cloves, star anise, cinnamon, ginger, apples, eucalyptus, peppermint, lavender, sagebrush, pine, spruce, fir, juniper, cedar, roses, chamomile, sage etc... 
Essential oils like orange, lemon, fennel, tea tree, lavender, rosemary, patchouli, vetiver, ylang ylang etc... 
The possibilities and combos are endless!

Happy Herbal Blessings Friends!
Anne xo

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