Monday, December 21, 2015

Winter and the Water Element
   It is wise to be aware and work with the seasonal changes and the energy of the cosmic Universe as you move through the cycles of life. Winter is the time of introspection, quiet, regeneration and restoration in death to rebirthing in the Spring. Winter in the five element theory carries the element of water. Water provides life and sustenance. The element of water in relation to our bodies are the bladder and kidneys. The kidneys like to be warm and gently flushed, of course with less caffeine. Salt is the flavor and taste. You may need extra minerals during the water element of Winter. Think of kelp, dulse or nori harvested from the Mother Ocean. Maybe even blue green algae from the big lakes in the Northwest and of course your daily herbal infusions! The kidneys govern the bones, teeth, ears. The emotion is fear. The water element houses the jing and vital chi to enhance longevity. 

 Staying balanced will require rest, hydration, exercise, spending time at home, creating, studying, being quiet, preserving auric energy and then giving to others. The kidneys like to be warm and they adore herbal teas and baths. Be sure to have as many herbal infusions as you can and as many aromatherapy baths as possible. Try to dry skin brush as much as possible, shedding the excess dead skin cells and increasing circulation and lymphatic production. Get a massage! Express any emotions that you have, don't hold things in. Find someone that can understand your emotions or hold a safe space for you to cry, yell or get things out. Emotions are like water and need to be expressed or can build and dam up.

   Exercise always helps with sadness, depression, stagnant energy and stiffness in the joints and bones. Stay flexible, come to my Yoga class of find one near you. Important during the Winter to keep your joints and spine flexible, of course everyday, but Winter is asking for extra. Winter is a great time to pursue hobbies, crafts, goals...whatever will keep your hands and heart busy, fulfilled and supple. Meditation is so helpful to recenter the mind. Closing your eyes, will help to rejuvenate you and conserve energy in the nervous system. Tuning in and tuning out. Take time to breathe consciously. Practice pranayama. Light will enhance the serotonin levels and neurotransmitters in the brain, so be sure to take the sunglasses and the hats off and get some natural sunshine through your pupils and crown chakra everyday if possible! Be sure to sleep in as dark a room as possible at night, to support and normalize hormonal chemistry. Go for a walk in the woods. Be with nature. Reflect. Experience the magic of the Evergreens, who light the forest with their green fortitude when all the other Trees lose their leaves. Remember you are responsible for your own happiness.

Prayer and using your Spirituality will help you everyday, not just in Winter, but it can be a time when people grow closer to their faith. A good time to cleanse the closets and the closets of our mind to clear out the old and release what is no longer serving us. This can be said for people, places, things, thought forms....what is a negative influence on you? What are you ready to purge out? What can you trash, give away, share or donate? Remember that Spring is coming and there are new seeds to be sown in the garden of your Soul.
Blessed Be~

Winter Spice Aromatherapy Blend 
4 part Pine
1 part Cinnamon
Grounding, centering, comforting, antiseptic and antiviral! 

 Solstice Tea
3 part Orange
1 part Dandelion 
1/4 part Clove
A sprinkling of Violet flowers
Spicy, warming, immune stimulating, alterative, antiviral, diuretic, kidney chi enhancing blend! 

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