Monday, May 16, 2016

Rooting The Wild
 © Anne Calzada Herbalist

I have learned to let go of expectations and to go with the flow of the moment. There is no yesterday and there is no tomorrow, there is only now. I planned a trip to see my violets and they weren't even up yet! In lieu of my missing those heart shaped beauties, there were others who were rising up out of the ground. I explained to them that I would love and honor them and asked if any of them wanted to come live with me. I asked the forest for the medicine and blessings and the response was super loud! The natural world, God's creation wants to help. Just ask.
Sambucus racemosa
Gallium aparine
Mahonia repens
These are a few of the plants that came home with me. All of my dreams are coming true! I have always wanted an Elderberry and a Hawthorn at my own home and I have now manifested them. Putting down roots and visiting the same plants season after season teaches you in ways that cannot be measured. Manifestation can come from putting down roots. You have to be patient. Gardening is like a metaphor for life. If you have a garden space and love herbs and trees, consider bringing some home from the woods or parking lots. Save plants from destruction, like when they are breaking ground to build. Ask if you can have some those plants. Save them from the horrors of "round up". Come on, knowledge is power, but common sense is even better and having a conscience is the best! Don't be cruel and lazy, if you don't want Dandelions around, then manually get in there and "weed" them out. Then prepare those suckers up for dinner! Bring some to someone that will make food and medicine with them. Please stop poisoning yourselves and others. Your plants will Love you and bring you joy, food, health and medicine for years if you are lucky enough to live with them for that long!
Stay wild, Earth child!
Love, Anne xo

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