Monday, November 21, 2016

The Healing Power Of Grief And Growing Pains
©Anne Calzada Herbalist
Grieving is a part of life. We know things, people, circumstances change. Sometimes we experience the death of a loved one, a pet, a relationship break up, moving to a new location, a new job, whatever. Life can be tough down here on Earth. Depending upon your own cultural upbringing and ideology, your perspective may be different. Maybe you believe in God or maybe you believe that you create your own reality. It doesn't really matter... or does it? I believe that it does. I believe in God and I believe that I create my own reality to a certain extent. Come on, I didn't create the Sun! I can however, take dominion over my own thoughts. We can split hairs on that all day long, but I think we both can agree that life on Earth is intense. 
I have been watching in silence for awhile at everything that is unfolding around me both personally and globally. 
Now I am free. 
Fighting for everyone for so long, staying strong personally, watching everyone freak out around me over the elections, watching all the bullshit at Standing Rock, watching people disavow their agreements...
It's OK.
 The best thing to do and always has been is to remain authentic. True to yourself first. I please myself first, then serve others. My energy is authentic energy, it is true energy. I have been called a bitch, psychic, witch, shaman, artist, alchemist, beautiful, loud yogi, angry healer, mystic, wild animal, metal head, hippie yogi herbalist that swears and drives too fast. They are all true!!! Who I really am is a sweet strong emotionally deep Pisces who lives for LOVE!
I have now awoken from a very long slumber and things look different to me... People look different. The places vibrate differently...
I have Infinite Blessings.
I am detached, but aware.
In yogic training, you are encouraged to release your attachments, mental, physical, emotional etc...
I believe in the power of neutrality.
Pluto in Capricorn, since 2008 until 2023 will assure that things do not remain the same. Capricorn is conservative, traditional. So as the old powers and structures fall away, we see the backlashes. Old energy crumbling away. Growing pains. Earth is old. stop and think about it for a moment. Right?
For those of you that are going through any type of grief, sadness, loss, trauma, abuse, negativity or just plain fucking hopelessness...
You are NOT alone.
It gets better, I promise. 
Use your fire to create and strengthen you.
Please, I encourage you to pray to God or whom or whatever you feel or believe and ask for assistance with your life. For me, I ask in Jesus name. I ask that my blessings and protection are on. And they are. Ask the Angels to bless, protect and take charge over you and your loved ones. Ask God to restore you. Believe. Know that it will not get easier down here, just more intense.
Know that everything is in Diving Right Order All Ways.We don't have to know the whens, wheres and whys. It doesn't matter.
Use your Magic!
We are not God, we have been given a chance to live on Earth by God, the Generator, Organizer and Destructor of this Universe. 
We are Blessed to be alive at this time to experience. 
...and for those of you that may like a little herbal pampering! 
From my heart to yours!
Blessed Be Bright Soul!
Love, Anne xo  
ClaritTea Now
2 part Calendula 
2 part Roses
1 part Rosemary

Blend and brew. Pour some into your mug and into the bathtub with some sea salt. These plants will help to soothe your nervous system, your emotions and your aura. Calm of the spirit, release the grief and growing pain ouches!

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