Friday, November 20, 2020

 Herbal Wellness

© By Anne Calzada Herbalist

In the spirit of helping humanity as an Herbalist,  I am here to give you some great recommendations and some reminders about your health and wellbeing as a species. Thank you for being here and supporting my work! Please visit for great herbal wellness tools! 


Receiving proper nourishment is number one. If you do not have your vitamins and minerals in ample supply within your body, you are malnourished. It will be easier for you to become rundown and more susceptible to microbial activity. Engage with your multivitamins! 

Remember Vitamin C? Take a daily dose. Boosts the immune system. Try rosehips, goji berries, oranges or supplement.

Zinc? It fights microbes and strengthens your immune system.

Try pumpkin seeds, oysters, fish or supplement.

Vitamin A? It is antiviral and soothes membranes, supports the immunes system and the respiratory system. Try carrots, spinach,  apricots or supplement.

Vitamin D? Get some solar rays with sunglasses off. Allow the light to absorb through your eyes for your pituitary and pineal glands. Through your skin to absorb its healing immune stimulating properties. 

Probiotics? Consuming fermented foods is how we build our own colonies. Try kefir, kim chi, saurkraut, miso or supplement.

To give you extra physical energy at anytime, take a B Complex. Try nutritional yeast, eggs, spinach, walnuts, fish.

Stay Hydrated

Sunshine C Tea Blend

4 parts Pine needles

2 part Rosehips

This wild brew is easy to make, especially if you live in the mountains or the woods! You just walk out and harvest. Remember Pine trees and wild roses if you are ever in need of nourishment for survival. All Pine trees are healing and they are full of medicinal properties. They are antiseptic and vitamin C rich. Pine is an edible tree. Blend with rosehips which are classically loaded with vitamin C. Rosehips are totally edible and nourishing. They contain essential fatty acids as well. Blend together and prepare an infusion. 

Stress Reduction

Stress can induce sickness. We all need to relax and tune out. Drop out. While you are making tea, you can draw a bath.

Detox Bath Blend

1 part Baking Soda

 1 part Sea Salt

Blend together. Add essential oils like eucalyptus, lavender, clary sage, rosemary and pine. Add some amethyst gemstone crystals or black tourmaline to induce calm and removal of negative energy. Add a good cupful into your bath.

Get to sleeping. You are going to need lots of rest and sleep to clear your subconscious from the world. We clear our psychic congestion during sleep.

Food As Medicine

Common herbs to eat and cook with everyday are plants like oregano, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, sage, ginger, onions, peppers and garlic. These are some of the most potent antimicrobial plants around and a lot of  you are growing them! If not, they are easy to find fresh at the grocery store and even dried at the dollar stores. Soups, bone broths and stews are great for adding herbs into your diet. Echinacea roots, astragalus roots, garlic cloves, onions, burdock roots, dandelion roots. All of these plants will increase vitality. Spices like cinnamon or clove can be added to yogurt, oatmeal or smoothies. 

Turmeric Cinnamon Tea

1 part Turmeric

1/4 part Cinnamon

Blend together and make tea. Sweetened with honey is the best! You can add cream for a beautiful golden milk nightcap. This blend is antiseptic and antiviral. Steeped with milk and honey, it will lull you to sleep. Relax your mind and your muscles. Heal while you sleep. 

If you feel like something is trying to take hold, do a shot of my  elderberry elixir. you will feel it immediately. Elderberry is antiviral, containing flavonoids, alkaloids and vitamins for healing. It soothes colds, flu, coughing, sinusitis, ear pain, headaches and pressure.

Cleanse The House

Make sure that you are living in a clean house! Get rid of the static that pails up on the table and in the corners. Dust and vacuum. make your home your sanctuary. It is your grand palace, no matter where you live. Smudge yourself and your home. We must cleanse not only physically but energetically as well. Burn the negative energy out. 

Infuse essential oils like lavender, lemon, orange, pine, peppermint into the home. add to your diffuser or steam on the stovetop. Blend herbs together on the stove like cinnamon sticks with oranges and ginger root. The house will smell delicious and cozy in no time. 

Daily Exercise

Not everyone likes, yoga. This I have earned as a Yoga Teacher! Its all good, There are many exercise practices to try. Swimming, running, wieght lifting, hiking, martial arts etc...Find one that works for you. Walking is the best exercise, it is free and most people can do it. Exercise reduces stress, builds your strength and increase your immunity. Stay flexible.

Say Your Prayers

Ever notice how we pray for what we may want or need? How about praying in gratitude. Thanksgiving for your body, mind and spirit, Your life, your gifts, talents and blessings. Your family and friends. Your animal companions. A roof over your head. Really, we have so much to be grateful for. The Universe only knows YES. 

Release The Love

Love is all you need. Love, love, love! Love yourself, Doll! You are the most important living being in this Universe. Without self love you have nothing. Self love, compassionate love, romantic love, unconditional love, true love! Love wins all ways!!!! Your vitamin L uptake is a very important integral part in your healthcare system! Release the love and don't you ever forget that you are it!

Love, Anne

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