The Bay Tree
©Anne Calzada Herbalist
The Bay tree is a legend throughout herbalism and is an old, revered medicine. Bay is a member of the Laurel family. The Lauraceae. Its Latin name is Laurus nobilis. Bay is known to be antiseptic, antifungal, analgesic, astringent, aromatic, carminative, digestive, circulatory stimulant and diaphoretic.
It has been used traditionally in cooking, beauty, protection and magic. We have been adding Bay to soups, stews, beans and meat dishes. Why? Bay is a digestive, helping the liver and gallbladder to release bile for fat breakdown. It adds flavor, is antiseptic and astringent and will help to tenderize meat and vegetables. It helps to reduce gas when added to these dishes. Bay will help the body to assimilate nutrients.
It is said that the Bay tree was dedicated to the ancient Greeks by Apollo and Aesculapius, the God of Medicine. Regarded as a symbol of victory and honor to the ancient Greeks and Romans. Nobility and students were known to wear a wreath of Bay on their head to increase mental acuity, remembrance and dedication. Apollo pursued Daphne until the Gods turned her into a Bay tree. He was so upset that he declared that the leaves would remain green all year round. He then, always wore a wreath of Bay leaves every day.
Bay leaves are known to repel insects. Added to a sachet or hung in a closet will help to deter bugs. Use it in natural insect repellant blends.
Bay has circulatory and analgesic properties, so it has been used in oils and liniments for arthritis and rheumatism. Bay is also used in men's beauty care products. It is added to hair blends for alopecia and foot blends for athlete's foot. Bay is distilled in rum and used in men's aftershave blends. Bay leaves added to the bath for a physical and psychic cleansing.
It is antiseptic and stimulating to the respiratory system. Bay encourages the lungs to expel phlegm. Use as a poultice or compress.
Bay is known to purify the energy of a room, to disinfect the negative energy. It is used as a smudge because of its purification properties and energy. It is said to be a very protective tree. Wishes are written on Bay leaves and burned to help manifest your dreams.
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